The State of Qatar has decided to exempt citizens of 80 countries from the requirement of obtaining an entry visa starting from Wednesday August 9th 2017.
This has been announced in the joint press conference between the Ministry of Interior, General authority for tourism and Qatar Airways.
According to this announcement citizens from certain countries will be allowed free entry for 90 days while nationals of other countries including Korea will have the right of entry for an initial 30 days extendable for a further 30 days.
This step comes in line with the intention to transform Qatar to a tourism center in the Middle East Region.
Table of countries whose citizens are allowed a 90 Days free visa :
Austria | Germany | Norway |
Bahamas | Greece | Poland |
Belgium | Hungary | Portugal |
Bulgaria | Iceland | Romania |
Croatia | Italy | Seychelles |
Cyprus | Latvia | Slovakia |
Czech Republic | Liechtenstein | Slovenia |
Denmark | Lithuania | Spain |
Estonia | Luxembourg | Sweden |
Finland | Malta | Switzerland |
France | Netherlands | Turkey |
Table of countries whose citizens are allowed a 30 Days free visa:
Andorra | Guyana | Paraguay |
Argentina | Hong Kong | Peru |
Australia | India | Russia |
Azerbaijan | Indonesia | San Marino |
Belarus | Ireland | Singapore |
Bolivia | Japan | South Africa |
Brazil | Kazakhstan | South Korea |
Brunei | Lebanon | Suriname |
Canada | Macedonia | Thailand |
Chile | Malaysia | Ukraine |
China | Maldives | United Kingdom |
Colombia | Mexico | United States |
Costa Rica | Moldova | Uruguay |
Cuba | Monaco | Vatican City |
Ecuador | New Zealand | Venezuela |
Georgia | Panama | |