Translation of Qatar’s Constitution17 March 2017The Middle East Studies Institute , an affiliate of the University of Myongj, in collaboration with the embassy of the State of Qatar, have translated the constitution of the State of Qatar into Korean language.
The Embassy participates in the symposium on climate finance.16 March 2017The embassy was part to the Green Round Table which was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on March 15th with the participation of several international organization.
H.E. The Ambassador met with The Director General of Global Green Growth Institute GGGI23 February 2017H.E. Ambassador Mohamed Abdulla Al-Dehaimi met on February 23rd 2017 with Mr. Frank Rijsberman , Director General of Global Green Growth Institute GGGI to consider ways and means of cooperation between the State of Qatar and the institute
H.E. the Ambassador meets the former Korean President.19 February 2017H.E. Ambassador Mohamed Abdulla Al-Dehaimi met the former Korean president Lee Myng-bak where they discussed a number of domestic Korean matters.
H.E the Ambassador meets the Korean Vice-Minister of Health, discussed medical cooperation.08 February 2017H.E. Ambassador Mohamed Abdulla Al-Dehaimi met H.E. Kim Gang-lip vice-minister of Health and discussed ways of cooperation between the two countries in health and medical fields and matters related to provision of health care and medical treatment to Qatari patients in Korea.
H.E the Ambassador meets the former UN Secretary General31 January 2017H.E. Ambassador Mohamed Abdulla Al-Dehaimi attended the reception organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for their Excellency the Foreign ambassadors accredited to ROK on the honor of the former UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon
H.E The Ambassador meets the Executive Director of Samsung for construction15 January 2017H.E Ambassador Abdulla Al-Dehaimi meets Mr. Choi Chi hun the Executive Director of Samsung for construction They discussed modes for strengthening cooperation between the State of Qatar and The company.
H.E the Ambassador participates in the 3rd Korean/EU conference on the Middle East.11 January 2017H.E the Ambassador Abdulla AL-Dehaimi participates in the 3rd Korean/EU conference on the Middle East. The conference was organized by the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs
H.E. the Ambassador meets the Executive Director of Hyundai for Heavy Industries.09 January 2017H.E. Ambassador Abdulla AL-Dehaimi meets Mr. Chung Mong Gyu the Executive Director of Hyundai for Heavy Industries. They discussed matters of mutual cooperation between the State of Qatar and Hyundai.
The Embassy organizes a reception on the occasion of Qatar’s National Day14 December 2016The Embassy of the State of Qatar has organized a reception party on the occasion of Qatar’s National Day. H.E. Kang Eun-hee Minister of Gender & Family attended the reception together with high officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.